2023: Optimising the User Experience and Design of the iOS TUM Campus App

Bachelor's theses

Timothy Summers



The TUM Campus App (TCA) is a multifunctional tool designed to cater to the needs of students and university personnel. The application’s primary objective is to provide these two user groups with relevant and useful information regarding the university and their academic data. While this data is available on various platforms, the TCA stands out by providing a unified interface that enables swift access to this information.

In order to fulfill its intended purpose, the application must prioritize the user experience to effectively provide tangible benefits to its users. However, the TCA was developed over several years by multiple developers, with each focusing on specific features, leading to a disjointed codebase and application design. As a consequence, the app’s user experience has been compromised.

This thesis aims to change this by taking a more holistic approach to software development compared to previous changes by developers. To achieve this, we analyzed the app’s current capabilities and shortcomings as well as utilized Dr. Martin Schrepps User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ) to collect data from real users on their experience with the application. This helps us to concentrate specifically on the needs of users rather than on specific features.

Based on the acquired knowledge, areas for improvement were identified. These include the implementation of a cohesive design, the redevelopment of the home and map screens as well as the enhancement of accessibility features. The cohesive design was manifested in the codebase, through the addition of a global theme. This includes elements that can be reused throughout the application and will help future developers maintain a consistent design. Finally, a follow-up survey was conducted to evaluate the impact of the changes on the user experience.

As a conclusion, this thesis discusses the effects of the adaptations made and concludes the process as a whole. We will also look at the next steps for the application and how this thesis can contribute to the development of a user-centered and sustainable TCA.