Intended Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of the module, participants understand the essential concepts of computer science on a basic, practical, but scientific level. Participants can solve manageable algorithmic problems and implement basic applications in Java or a similar object-oriented language on their own. They understand the underlying concepts and models and are therefore able to acquire skills in other object-oriented programming languages on their own.
Course Information
- SWS: 4V + 4P
- ECTS: 12
- Module number: CIT5230000
- Prerequisites: none
- Time and location:
- Lectures:
- Lectures including small exercises will take place on Wednesday from 14:00 to 18:00
- First lecture: Wednesday, 19.10.2022
- The lecture will be live-streamed and recorded.
- Room: Garching, Interims II HS 1
- There will be small breaks.
- Exercises (tutor groups):
- There will be weekly on-site tutor groups
- Students will work in groups on programming exercises and present their solution to homework exercises
- There will be multiple 3h slots throughout the week (with small breaks)
- Students are assigned to tutor groups in the first week of the course
- For slide downloads, exercises, and discussion, access
Recommended Reading
- Deitel, Harvey / Deitel, Paul: Java How to Program, Early Objects, Pearson, 11th edition, 2017
- Evans, Ben / Flanagan, David: Java in a Nutshell O’Reilly, 7th edition, 2018 Sedgewick, Robert / Wayne, Kevin: Computer science: An interdisciplinary approach, Addison-Wesley, 2016
- Sedgewick, Robert / Wayne, Kevin: Introduction to programming in Java: an interdisciplinary approach, Addison-Wesley, 2017
Please send an email to and do not contact us individually.
Prof. Dr. Stephan Krusche
Exercise Instructor
Snezhina Milusheva
Exercise Instructor
Markus Paulsen